
Grim dawn shadow strike
Grim dawn shadow strike

grim dawn shadow strike grim dawn shadow strike

  • Rare Prefix - Cutthroat: removed % Attack Speed, reduced % Cunning to 5% on level 82+ versions of the affix.
  • Rare Prefix - Caustic (shields): increased Acid damage.
  • Rare Prefix - Aetherfire (off-hands): reduced % Cast Speed to 5%.
  • For more details on which Monster Infrequents are affected, see the Monster Infrequents section.
  • Many Monster Infrequents that previously only modified one skill now have modifiers for both of their supported skills.
  • Fixed an issue where hotkeys could become stuck when pausing the game.
  • Fixed an issue where Valdaran had higher than intended Lightning resist.
  • This also results in them having lower resistances to other damage types they were not intended to have elevated values against.
  • Fixed an issue where Benn’Jahr, Fabius, Moosilauke and Zantarin had lower than intended resists against certain damage types.
  • grim dawn shadow strike

  • Fixed an issue that may be causing the Chthonian nemesis, Benn’Jahr, to very rarely not spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where rarely some enemy-only items would unintentionally drop as white quality equipment.
  • This reduction starts out small and scales up to roughly 10% for the highest level enemies encountered.
  • Reduced Armor on high armor enemies (ex.
  • grim dawn shadow strike

    This fix also applies to Retaliation damage converted to Physical.

  • Damage converted to Physical is now properly reduced by Armor.
  • This previously only applied to the Crucible game mode but is now game-wide.
  • Various human enemies and bosses no longer have scaling Elemental Resistance.
  • Previously change only affected Ashes of Malmouth and not Forgotten Gods.
  • Increased drop rate of Ugdenbloom from Rotting Stumps and Ugdenbog Golems, for real this time.
  • This change will mostly impact builds reliant on Crowd Control to maximize damage.
  • Nemesis Bosses now have slightly reduced Crowd Control resists, also affects a select few bosses that had similar resists (Ex.
  • Reduced Crowd Control Resist granted by the Unstoppable Mutator.
  • This animation is used in many WPS skills and granted weapon attacks from items and components, as well as Soldier’s Markovian’s Advantage, and should result in a roughly 34% improvement.
  • Updated Jump Attack animation speed for 1h-melee and 2h-melee to match the speed used when dual wielding.
  • This correction was done to more accurately reflect actual gameplay performance and impacts the tooltips only. This has resulted in an approximately 5% correction to Attacks per Second and DPS calculations in the character sheet.
  • Fixed an issue where casting skills with keyboard would behave inconsistently with casting the same skills via the mouse.
  • Fixed an issue where certain item skill modifiers for pets would not correctly update the tooltip if multiple copies of the same modifier were equipped.
  • Reduced Max Number of Grava’Thul’s Void Pools that can exist at any one time in the Crucible.
  • Increased reward quality scaling on Gladiator difficulty, with a more substantial increase at higher waves.

  • Grim dawn shadow strike